If the TV Theme Song to Fresh Prince of Bel Air Were Written Today.. v.01 on May 16, 2014 2014 funny poem poetry San Diego satire songs writing +
In West Philadelphia Born and Raised I Lived Never but I Sing the Song on April 14, 2013 2013 beckycharms lyrical lyrics music San Diego songs writing +
I Want to Dance in A City Where I'm Free to Be Me.. on December 14, 2012 2012 anger beckycharms career compassion December emotion energy freedom Los Angeles lyrical lyrics New York passion persevere perspective poem poetry San Diego songs +
Sometimes It's Just A Sad Day Lyrical - A Collage on May 20, 2012 2012 artist artwork beckycharms collage hearts inspiration love lyrical lyrics Mexico motivation music sad San Diego songs Spanish +
Everybody {wants to be loved} by Ingrid Michaelson on December 25, 2011 Ingrid Michaelson inspiration magic San Diego songs video +