Soft and Flaky Quick Biscuits

Soft and Flaky Quick Biscuits by BeckyCharms

I'm not southern, but I have been on a homemade biscuit kick lately.
There's a super easy recipe that I found from King Arthur Flour that I know you'll enjoy.

Instead of the self-rising flour, which you can purchase from their website, I made my own.

Here's how:
Self-Rising Flour Recipe:

  • 1 C AP Flour
  • 1-1/2 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
{I doubled it and my biscuits were scrumptious!}

Easy Self Rising Biscuits Recipe

Soft and Flaky Quick Biscuits by BeckyCharms

I have this brownie pan that evenly divides the brownies and thought that the biscuit dough might work in there.  I was right!  If you have one, or don't, get one and try it.  It was so super easy, and much quicker than rolling out and cutting biscuits.  Plus, no wasted dough! But really, who ever wastes the dough?  I eat it raw. Ughh, I know. Sometimes I roll tiny pieces of dough in white granulated sugar. I'm only telling you because I trust you.  I know you do the same thing.

Once the biscuits bake at 425ºF for 10-14 minutes, take them out and let them cool on a rack.  Then enjoy them with butter and preserves, or go savory and make tiny tuna melts.  The choice is yours.

Soft and Flaky Quick Biscuits by BeckyCharms

Soft and Flaky Quick Biscuits by BeckyCharms

 Baking biscuits after a long day of driving to and from school, with a few other stops along the way, combined with chores upon chores and a gym session, was right on point with the theme of spontaneity!

Sparkle & Spontaneity,


  1. Yum! I love the tiny tuna melt idea! We are supposed to be getting 2 feet of snow tomorrow, so maybe I'll stay home and bake biscuits :-)

    1. Wow! 2 ft of snow! Baking is always the perfect indoor activity on chilly days. :) I hope you enjoy the biscuits. They're so easy and come out flaky and delicious.


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