10 Somewhat Useful Steps on How To Be Kinder and Live A Happy{errr} Life

10 Somewhat Useful Steps on How To Be Kinder and Live A Happy{errr} Life
You know, like there are 10 steps to be kinder and live a happier life, but there could be more.

10 Somewhat Useful Steps on How To Be Kinder and Live A Happy{errr} Life
  1. Go to bed on the right side.. of the bed.
  2. Wake up on the right side of the bed
  3. Drink more.. water.
  4. Run more.. away from the fridge.
  5. Don't procrastinate.. or at least, don't wait to.
  6. Get a head start.. so you're not a foot behind.
  7. Drink milk.. pick one, it doesn't have to be cow's anymore.  Even nuts make milk.  How?  We'll never know.
  8. Accept life's mysteries, and eat more Frooty Pebbles.  It's the perfect throat protector, with that film it leaves behind.
  9. Tell the truth.. to yourself, and to others.  Lie to yourself and others, and they will see that you're just a liar.  Then you'll spend the rest of your life being upset that you constantly have to prove how you're not a liar, knowing darn well you are, you just don't like that other people think you are.  Tell the truth.
  10. Love everyone, but love whomever you want.
{{Images created with +PicMonkey and imagination.. real life imagination.}}

Thank you image from BeckyCharms
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Courage & Kindness,
