This day is going down as one of the best days of this year; my whole life, in fact. A few years ago the Beekman Boys {The Fabulous Beekman Boys - Season 1 (2-Disc Special Edition)
at the thought of even being in the same vicinity as these two celebs that there was no way in the world I'd be able to make the short yet lengthy drive to see them. I wanted to,
Then some drama happened between the Fabulous Beekman Boys and I, a little social media exposure, and hurt feelings ensued {mine, they were unfazed}.
Seven months passed, and the opportunity to meet the Fabulous Beekman Boys presented itself again. What do I do, what do I do, what do I do? I thought about it, considered it, and thought I'd better not.

October 28, my parents' wedding anniversary, and my mom was going with my dad to his radiation therapy appointment. I briefly mentioned to them before they left the house that the Beekman Boys were going to be at Fashion Valley for a book singing, and my dad said "We'll see you there". I was like, uhhh, uhhh, uhhhh.. I wasn't sure whether or not I was going to go. I mean, I thought about going, I kind of wanted to go, but was nervous. I was very nervous and excited. You know the feeling. They've always appeared to be genuine, what you see is what you get.
Shoot, I told my parents that I'd see them at the mall, and check out the crowd. I was taking TinyBaker with me and if the line was reasonable, we'd wait in it!

Now I was freaked. I rushed home, which was a super long 3 minute drive from my parents' {that's a blessing} and was deciding which of my FBB gear I'd take with me. What was I going to wear? My wardrobe is seriously limited right now. You can usually catch me in my grey sweatshirt, jeans or black leggings, boots, Nikes, or Havainas. Period.
But this was the Beekman Boys! I was pulling out celebrity San Diego VIP style. I was going to make a statement; even though I didn't appreciate how the online banter went 7 months prior, I still love and support these guys and what they claim to stand for.
I was going to wear my Beekman apron!! THAT was just like me and my style. I was going to blow them away with fan support and show off their amazing products {this apron is made in the USA}.

There could very well be a Beek in there!
TinyBaker and I headed up to Fashion Valley, found a parking spot {we always do, it's one of the pleasures of driving with me}. Another quirky thing is that the car next to me more times than not leaves at the exact time as me!
Here's what happened..

Two books: One for me, one for the anniversary lovebirds!

Samples of a Beekman Heirloom Dessert!

My dad

TinyBaker LOVES desserts. That is PURE JOY!! She was the tiniest fan there!!

Blurry, but beautiful

We can't stand the pressure.. my perfectly color-coordinating mother and me.

The warm glow of celebrities and +Williams-Sonoma

Watch out Dr. Brent.. Josh's hand's gettin' cozy in my apron. Oooh..

Dessert demo. Put up or shut up.. and they put up. Actually, they put out..samples. :)

In love.

Happy 42nd Anniversary, mom and dad!!

Faith & Fruition, Beekman Boys, Faith & Fruition! With all my love, xo.
Thank you. We're good now, right? Looking forward to seeing you in Sharon Springs..
Get yourself a copy of The Fabulous Beekman Boys' newest cookbook,
The Beekman 1802 Heirloom Dessert Cookbook: 100 Delicious Heritage Recipes from the Farm and Garden
They use butter! I love my copy, and I recommend you get one for your family and friends this Holiday season! ;)
The Beekman 1802 Heirloom Dessert Cookbook: 100 Delicious Heritage Recipes from the Farm and Garden
They use butter! I love my copy, and I recommend you get one for your family and friends this Holiday season! ;)
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