Torani New Product Signature Sample

Torani New Product Real Cream Frappe Sample by BeckyCharms 


 Torani New Product Real Cream Frappe Sample by BeckyCharms

Fragile YUM 
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Torani New Product Real Cream Frappe Sample by BeckyCharms

 Just for me.. but I'll share..a review! 

Torani New Product Real Cream Frappe Sample by BeckyCharms


Torani New Product Real Cream Frappe Sample by BeckyCharms

 I'm so HappĂ© for my FrappĂ©! {eh, eh, get it, get it?}

Torani New Product Real Cream Frappe Sample by BeckyCharms

Torani New Product Real Cream Frappe Sample by BeckyCharms

Oh goody!  My new Friends at Torani...

Check out Torani website for more quenching information and possibly even a sample. Thanks for mine, Torani! {-hearts-}

I plan on having a party to share my sample.. It's good enough to drink all by myself, but once you open the container you have to drink it up within 7 days, and store in the fridge.  I'd rather party!!  It'll be gone and then we'll all hop in the car and go get some more.. from +Cafe Moto !! {or wherever they sell it in your town}

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Faith & Fruition,
