Dummberry Walking on Sunshine

Dummberry Walking on Sunshine, 2013, dummberry, cartoon, beckycharms, art, arte, San Diego, snail, life, lifestyle,

 Dummberry Walking on Sunshine

I opened my eyes from a night of sweet dreams, grabbed my coffee and stepped outside.  I looked up at the sky to see this little guy trailing his way across the big bright sun.  The day looks hopeful.  We have every opportunity for success, love, cheer, charm, faith, and fruition.  

Here's to a BRIGHT Day today!

Share dummberry with someone who needs a little brightening up.  

Twitter searchable hashtags {that's when you put the "#" and then a word/phrase} {-smile-}
  • #dummberry 
  • #dummberrythesnail
  • #dummberryindisguise
To read more about dummberry the snail, please visit his About.Me page http://about.me/dummberry.

Faith & Fruition,

Like, Follow, and Share the charm.. Faith & Fruition, BeckyCharms
