Dummberry is a Hoot like Maria Palito's Owl

Dummberry as Maria Palito Owl, 2013, art, arte, beckycharms, cartoon, drawing, dummberry, illustration, Japan, kawaii, keroppi, lifestyle, San Diego, sanrio, sketch, snail, social, social media, twitter, maria palito, owl, hoot, Etsy,
Dummberry as Maria Palito Owl

I overheard some Hoot Hoot's coming from dummberry's dressing room.. look at him!  He looks just like Maria Palito's owl.. 

Check out her website.. it's absol-HOOT-ly adorable!

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  • #dummberry 
  • #dummberrythesnail
  • #dummberryindisguise
To read more about dummberry the snail, please visit his About.Me page http://about.me/dummberry.

Faith & Fruition,
