I know much ado about nothing when it comes to quilting. The only experience that I can claim is from the few months that I've been part of a Prayers & Squares group.. and my mom owns some old family quilts. {If you're interested in finding out more about Prayers & Squares, click on The Prayer Quilt Ministry.} However, I have taken a liking to all the sewing notions, so I did not want to pass up the opportunity to experience the Quilt Show 2012 in San Diego. Really it was another excuse reason to venture downtown.. {did I ever tell you about the time I lived in a loft downtown? Ask me about it sometime..}
The Quilt Show is hosted at the San Diego Convention Center {same place as Comic-Con, everyone!}, and was full of vendors, raffle opportunities, quilts, patterns, and material for sale..
The price was $10 for 3 days; Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The hours were 10am-3pm, and if you look at each booth, it will take you a good 3-4 hours. {There was also a Preview Day, on Thursday, which was $15 presale/$20 at the door.}
My most favorite booth was Donna and Arnold Poster, "Quilt with Donna" and the "Foldy Stuff" Method. Check out Quilting with Donna. She said, "You can touch everything in the booth except my husband!". So cute. Oh, and how could I ever forget, the vendors that had candy bowls with "Halloween" candy.. Trick-or-Treat! You know crafty ladies and snacks.. well, they do go hand-in-hand, and some of those little chocolates made their way into our hands mouths!
If you are interested in attending the San Diego Quilt Show 2013, stay up-to-date on their website, San Diego Quilt Show.
It was a fun time, and afterward we completed a survey and received a fat quarter of our choice! We love freebies.
Join us next year.. maybe BeckyCharms & Co. will have a booth.. you never know.
-Becky Charms