The Following has been taken directly from Google::
Tell Congress: Don’t censor the Web
Fighting online piracy is important. The most effective way to shut down pirate websites is through targeted legislation that cuts off their funding. There’s no need to make American social networks, blogs and search engines censor the Internet or undermine the existing laws that have enabled the Web to thrive, creating millions of U.S. jobs.Too much is at stake – please vote NO on PIPA and SOPA.
A rapidly growing community
Opposition to the Protect IP Act (PIPA) and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) grows with each day. This brief list is just a sampling of businesses. Visit the Center for Democracy and Technology’s list for a more complete look at the individuals, organizations, experts and legislators that know how bad this legislation could be.
Add BeckyCharms & Co. to that list!!
-Becky Charms
2012 Cheer & Triumph